Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Happy New Years: Best Wishes for 2019

The turning of the calendar from one year to the next has always been a time of reflection and hope. We spend the days summing up past experience, 
bidding farewell to those we have lost, renewing old friendships, 
making plans and resolutions, and expressing our hopes for the future.

At the sound of the tolling midnight bell
a brand new year will begin.
Let’s raise our hopes in a confidant toast,
to the promise it ushers in.

May your battles be few, your pleasure many,
your wishes and dreams fulfilled.
May your confidence stand in the face of loss
and give you the strength to rebuild.

May peace of heart fill all your days
may serenity grace your soul.
May tranquil moments bless your life
and keep your spirit whole.

Scrumpdillyicious will be back on line April 1, 2019!